Tucson Car Accident Lawyer

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Tucson Car Accident Attorney

Tucson Car Accident Lawyer

Any car accident has the potential to be a life-changing experience for those involved. When one driver injures another, the victim can face exorbitant economic losses and a long road to recovery from their injuries.

The at-fault driver will owe the victim compensation and their auto insurance premiums may increase in response to the accident. If they caused the collision through intentional misconduct of any kind, they could face criminal charges as well.

Helping Car Accident Victims Recover in Tucson, AZ

Recovering your losses from a car accident is much easier with a Tucson car accident lawyer representing you. While there may not be a law that requires you to hire legal representation, investing in the services of an experienced legal team can make every aspect of your recovery process easier to manage and more likely to yield the results you hope to see.

The team at the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, has the resources, experience, and legal skills you need on your side to reach the optimal outcome for your recovery after an accident. If another driver injured you in the Tucson area, our team could help gather the evidence needed to prove liability, hold the at-fault driver accountable, and secure the compensation you need to recover as fully as the law allows.

Benefits of Hiring a Tucson Car Accident Attorney

It’s natural to wonder whether you can manage your recovery on your own, saving money on legal expenses. Many people mistakenly believe that legal representation is prohibitively expensive, and this, unfortunately, deters some from seeking the legal counsel they need when they need it most.

You do not need to worry about legal expenses when you hire the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, to handle your case thanks to our contingency fee billing policy, which ensures you only pay a fee once you win, and your fee is a percentage of the total amount recovered.

Legal counsel you can trust is not only more accessible than you may think, but it is also the ideal asset you can have on your side if you want to navigate your recovery as efficiently as possible. Our team seeks swift settlements on behalf of our clients, and we have the experience needed to identify every available avenue of compensation.

Whatever your recovery process may require, you can rely on the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, to provide ongoing support as you seek maximum compensation for the losses you suffered.

Hiring the right attorney to handle your car accident case in Tucson significantly increases your chances of success with an auto insurance claim and subsequent personal injury case against the driver at fault.

Additionally, you will be able to rest, focus on your recovery, and have some peace of mind when you know your recovery is in capable and trustworthy hands. Ultimately, hiring a Tucson car accident attorney to assist you in your efforts to recover compensation for your losses is the ideal option for handling this difficult situation.

The first challenge you will face as you seek accountability and compensation for the accident you recently experienced is proving exactly how the accident happened. The state upholds the fault rule for car accidents, meaning all drivers must have appropriate liability coverage with their auto insurance policies, and whichever driver caused an accident is liable for all associated damages.

Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers in Tucson

Before any compensation for the losses you suffered in your recent car accident can be recovered, you will need to prove how the accident happened and identify the driver or drivers responsible for causing it.

Throughout the United States, the most commonly cited cause of car accidents year after year is distracted driving. Eating while driving, conversations with passengers, and cell phone use are just a few examples of distractions that can potentially cause accidents.

Texting while driving is widely considered the most dangerous distraction behind the wheel and a common cause of accidents throughout the country. All drivers have a duty of care to operate their vehicle attentively, and failure to do so can easily result in a devastating accident.

Proving that an at-fault driver was distracted can seem very challenging, but your Tucson car accident attorney can assist you in gathering the evidence necessary in this situation. You may need to secure the responsible driver’s cell phone records and vehicle computer data to prove they were using their phone at the moment the accident happened.

Traffic camera footage from the area around the accident site can also help prove whether the other driver was inattentive behind the wheel. Eyewitness testimony can also come into play in distracted driving accident cases.

Risks of Speeding and Other Moving Violations

The traffic signals and road signs in Tucson and throughout the state exist to allow drivers to anticipate the actions of other drivers and maintain a safe flow of traffic. Drivers may commit moving violations unintentionally or willfully, and when these actions result in accidents those drivers face liability for the damages they cause to others.

Speeding, failure to yield right-of-way, performing illegal turns, and failure to stop for red lights or stop signs are just a few examples of moving violations that can potentially cause car accidents.

Proving that your accident occurred as the result of another driver’s moving violation can require a combination of physical evidence and witness testimony. If other drivers or bystanders saw your accident happen, their accounts of what they saw can be incredibly helpful to your case.

Many intersections in the Tucson area are equipped with cameras that often capture accidents caused by moving violations, and your Tucson car accident attorney can help secure any footage you may need to prove liability for your recent accident.

Speeding is the most commonly reported moving violation that causes car accidents in Tucson and throughout the state. Speeding increases a driver’s risk of causing an accident as well as the severity of any resulting injuries and property damages.

Depending on the at-fault driver’s level of speeding, they may face reckless driving charges in addition to their liability for the civil damages they inflicted on others.

What to Expect After an Accident Caused by a Drunk Driver

It is illegal for any driver to operate their vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and each state has unique laws pertaining to driving under the influence (DUI). Anyone driving a vehicle while intoxicated will face penalties including jail, fines, and suspension of their driver’s license.

Their auto insurance premiums are also likely to increase, and they may face additional personal and professional consequences as well. For example, a DUI conviction may lead to the loss of professional licenses and a loss of standing in one’s community.

If you or a family member suffered injuries in an accident caused by a drunk or drugged driver, the at-fault driver not only faces prosecution for DUI but will also face increased penalties because their actions resulted in bodily harm.

The illegal nature of their conduct can also lead to an enhanced case award in your civil suit against them. Your Tucson car accident attorney will help prepare for the legal proceedings ahead, and it’s important to know that you may be called to testify as a witness against the DUI driver in their criminal proceedings.

Penalties for Intentional Misconduct Behind the Wheel

Whenever a driver causes a serious accident due to reckless driving, DUI, or any other illegal misconduct, state law will dictate the punishments they will face if convicted in criminal court. In most cases, these penalties will include fines, driver’s license suspension, and possibly jail time.

The judge handling their sentence will also have discretionary power to add further penalties, such as compulsory substance abuse treatment and/or driver safety schooling at the defendant’s own expense.

If you have grounds to seek compensation from a driver who is also facing prosecution for breaking Arizona law, this could impact your recovery in multiple ways. In a civil case, the judge may deem that the defendant’s behavior exceeds the scope of typical negligence and will award the plaintiff punitive damages to reflect this.

Additionally, whenever a defendant in a criminal case has inflicted harm on another party with their actions, the judge handling their sentencing is likely to include restitution to the victim as part of their sentence.

How Your Attorney Can Help Prove Liability for a Car Accident

Hiring an experienced Tucson car accident attorney makes proving fault for your recent accident much easier. Your attorney will know what evidence you will need to firmly establish fault for the incident in question, including digital evidence, physical evidence from the scene of the accident, and testimony from witnesses who saw the accident happen in real time.

In some car accident cases, liability is not immediately clear, or the parties involved in the accident might dispute liability. Expert witness testimony may be necessary to determine fault in such cases. An expert witness is an experienced professional in a discipline pertinent to the case.

For example, an accident reconstructionist can help to explain the forces in play in a motor vehicle crash, proving exactly how the accident happened. A medical professional can weigh in on a case to explain the scope and severity of the plaintiff’s injuries, helping them substantiate the plaintiff’s claim for compensation.

A Tucson car accident attorney will also be invaluable for helping their client determine the optimal path to recovering compensation for their damages. Recovery from most car accidents in the Tucson area begins with auto insurance claims against the drivers who cause these accidents, followed by personal injury claims when insurance alone cannot compensate their damages.

Ultimately, every car accident victim in Tucson will face unique challenges as they seek compensation for their losses and having legal counsel they can trust significantly improves the results they reach.

Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim

Every driver is required to have auto insurance, and at minimum a policy must include three types of basic coverage:

  1. Auto insurance in the state must include at least $25,000 for bodily injuries inflicted on a single person in an accident caused by the policyholder.
  2. An insurance policy’s bodily injury liability coverage must expand to at least $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for everyone injured by the policyholder in an incident.
  3. The policy must also provide at least $15,000 in property damage liability coverage, which will pay for vehicle repair costs and other property losses suffered by the victim.

These coverage amounts might be enough to cover the damages from a minor accident, but when a victim has suffered catastrophic injuries, their claimable damages are likely to exceed the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage.

While not strictly required by law, it’s wise for drivers to purchase additional coverage for accidents with uninsured or underinsured drivers. Arizona has a relatively high rate of uninsured drivers compared to many other states, and this coverage option would allow you to claim against your own policy if an at-fault driver does not have auto insurance. Because you did not cause the accident in question your premiums should not increase.

Dealing with any auto insurance carrier can be difficult as most insurance companies will look for any reason they can find to justify the lowest possible settlement offers or deflect liability for claims however they can.

Insurance companies are more likely to engage in bad faith handling of claims when claimants do not have legal counsel advising them. They will attempt to take advantage of claimants’ desperation to minimize their financial liability as much as possible.

Working with a seasoned Tucson car accident attorney is a good way to prevent this issue in your car accident case. Once an insurance company representative sees that a claimant has legal representation they will be more inclined to process the claim efficiently and in good faith.

When you select the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, to help file your auto insurance claim, our team has extensive experience dealing with the major auto insurance carriers. We understand the tactics companies often use to avoid paying claims. We will make sure the insurance carrier handles your claim in good faith and delivers a fair settlement offer.

Building Your Personal Injury Claim for a Car Accident in Tucson

Even if an injured driver manages to secure the maximum amount of compensation possible from an at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy, this may not fully cover their losses if the accident was severely damaging. In this situation, the injured driver must proceed with a personal injury claim against the driver at fault.

The first step in filing a personal injury case in Tucson is identifying the party or parties responsible for the accident in question and submitting a detailed complaint to the court. This complaint must explain the nature of the damages in question and proof of how those damages occurred. The plaintiff’s complaint must also include an explanation of the remedy they are seeking to compensate for these damages.

Your Tucson car accident attorney can assist you in maximizing your insurance claim payout, and if you have further damages that the at-fault driver’s insurance cannot cover, they will help file your personal injury claim.

Success with your claim not only requires proving the defendant caused actual harm through their intentional misconduct or negligence, but also a clear explanation of the full extent of the harm done.

Injuries and Medical Expenses in a Car Accident Claim

Most of the personal injury claims filed in response to car accidents in Tucson entail severe physical injuries. Under Arizona’s personal injury laws, the plaintiff has the right to seek full repayment of their medical expenses from the defendant, both immediate and future.

Car accidents can easily cause broken bones, internal organ damage, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and more. The defendant who caused your accident is not only liable for hospital bills and other immediate medical costs you incur, but also the cost of ongoing medical care you are likely to require to reach maximum improvement from your injuries.

Your Tucson car accident attorney can work closely with your medical care team to accurately determine the full scope of treatment you are likely to require as you seek compensation for your medical expenses.

It’s important to remember that if you experienced a catastrophic injury likely to require ongoing rehabilitative care, the defendant will be responsible for repaying all associated medical expenses.

Recovering Lost Income After a Car Accident

Many people who suffer injuries in serious car accidents cannot, due to their injuries, go back to work until they fully recover. Some cannot return to their previous jobs and must accept lower-paying work, experiencing a loss of earning power.

Others are left profoundly disabled by their accidents and cannot work at all. Under Arizona law, the victim of a car accident has the right to hold the at-fault driver accountable for lost income and lost future earning capacity.

The average person should be able to accurately calculate their lost wages from a car accident, but proving lost future earnings can be more challenging. Your Tucson car accident attorney can help accurately calculate the amount of income you would be expected to earn in your lifetime had the injury not occurred.

This includes vacation time you were forced to use immediately after the accident and any diminished earning power caused by your accident.

Property Damages in Your Car Accident Case

The driver who caused your accident is also responsible for the property damages they inflicted on you. This aspect of your claim will primarily pertain to your vehicle repair costs. Arizona law requires a personal auto insurance policy to include at least $15,000 in property damage liability coverage, and this may cover the cost of repairing or replacing a low-value vehicle.

However, if the actual cash value of your vehicle totaled in an accident exceeds the defendant’s insurance coverage, you may need to file a personal injury claim to recover the remainder.

You also have the right to claim compensation for any personal belongings that were damaged or destroyed in the accident in question. Your Tucson car accident attorney can help calculate the total property damages resulting from your accident and secure as much as possible from your auto insurance claim.

If this is not enough to fully compensate for these losses, all remaining property damages may be listed as economic damages in your personal injury claim against the driver at fault.

How to Calculate Pain and Suffering for a Car Accident Claim

While the total of your claimable immediate and future economic damages may exceed your initial expectations when you have the right attorney handling your case, this may only form a portion of the total compensation you are legally entitled to claim.

Arizona’s personal injury laws allow plaintiffs to seek pain and suffering compensation from those who injured them. While it might sound difficult to place monetary value on intangible losses like physical pain and psychological distress, your Tucson car accident attorney will know the appropriate method of evaluating this aspect of your recovery.

Under Arizona law, there are no caps or limits on pain and suffering compensation in motor vehicle accident claims. The plaintiff has the right to seek fair compensation for the intangible damages they suffered due to the defendant’s negligence or misconduct, and a Tucson car accident attorney can help them determine the optimal method of calculating pain and suffering damages for their claim.

When a plaintiff has suffered catastrophic injuries resulting in permanent disability, their attorney is likely to seek a large lump sum of pain and suffering compensation to reflect the severity of their experience.

Ultimately, your case may be worth much more than you initially expect, and you have the greatest chance of maximizing your recovery when you have an experienced Tucson car accident attorney representing you.

When you pick the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, to act as your legal counsel, our goal will be to secure as much compensation for your damages as state law allows, and we will seek to do so in the most efficient manner possible to streamline your recovery.

Understanding the Pure Comparative Fault Rule for Personal Injuries

It’s important to know that when it comes to determining fault for a car accident in Tucson, it’s possible for the plaintiff to share liability with the defendant if they contributed to causing the accident in any way.

When this applies to a car accident case, the Arizona’s pure comparative negligence law comes into play and the plaintiff will lose a percentage of their case award equal to their percentage of fault for causing the damages in question.

If you have any concerns about bearing partial responsibility for the car accident you recently experienced, it is crucial to connect with a reliable Tucson car accident attorney as soon as possible.

They can carefully analyze the details of how and why your accident happened, potentially helping you reduce your fault percentage substantially. The fault percentage assigned to the plaintiff is the percentage of their case award they will lose to reflect their shared fault. For example, bearing 25% fault means losing 25% of the total damages claimed from the defendant.

Important First Steps After a Car Accident in Tucson

Recovery from a car accident in Tucson can be very difficult depending on how the accident occurred. The first steps you take in the aftermath of an accident can have a profound impact on the outcome of subsequent recovery efforts, potentially meaning the difference between maximizing your recovery and losing a significant portion of the compensation you rightfully deserve.

State law requires drivers to report accidents that result in injury, death, or significant property damage by calling 911. If you have any doubts as to whether you need to report a crash it is always a good idea to err on the side of caution. Call 911 to report the accident if no one else has already done so. This ensures that there will be a formal police report on file for the accident, which you may need later.

While you wait for first responders, take photos of the accident scene if you can do so without aggravating your injuries. If you were severely hurt, wait for paramedics to arrive. If you feel well enough to move around, do so as carefully as possible and take photos of the damage to your vehicle, the positions of the vehicles in the road, and your injuries. You may need these photos for both an auto insurance claim and a subsequent personal injury claim against the other driver.

When the police arrive they will interview everyone involved and speak with witnesses who saw the accident happen. Be sure to be careful with your words when answering questions from the police.

Do not say anything they may misconstrue as an admission of fault. Even if you think you partially caused the accident, answer their questions honestly and concisely but refrain from admitting fault. Once they allow you to leave you should seek medical care immediately, even if you think your injuries are mild.

Many people who experience car accidents do not feel the full effects of their injuries due to the adrenaline rush from the experience. They are often unable to move out of bed the next day due to the force of impact on their bodies. Seeking prompt medical care ensures that you will receive treatment for any injuries that may not be immediately noticeable.

Your doctor will know what to look for and provide you with a medical report that lists all of the injuries you suffered as well as any future complications they may cause.

Once you have a copy of the police report from your accident and a medical report from your doctor, the next step to take toward recovery is connecting with a Tucson car accident attorney you can trust.

You have two years in which to file a personal injury claim under Arizona’s statute of limitations, but you only have a few days in which to file an insurance claim against the driver at fault’s policy.

Connecting with reliable legal counsel as soon as possible will ensure you meet these deadlines and have the greatest possible chance of maximizing the compensation you obtain through all of your recovery efforts.

How Your Attorney Can Resolve Your Car Accident Claim in Tucson

There are many benefits to hiring an experienced Tucson car accident attorney as soon as possible after a crash. First, you will be prepared to meet the legal challenges your recovery is likely to entail, from a difficult insurance claim filing process to filing your civil suit for damages against the driver at fault.

Second, you will be able to focus on your recovery and your personal needs in peace as your legal team manages your recovery on your behalf. Finally, you will have the greatest chance of securing the maximum amount of compensation allowable under state law with your attorney’s assistance.

When you have the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, as your legal counsel in a car accident case, we will immediately get to work on your auto insurance claim. You have a very limited window of time in which to file this claim, and it is unwise to discuss a settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier on your own.

Notify the insurer of your intent to file your claim within the time limit dictated by the policy and inform the insurance carrier that you must consult with your legal representative before discussing a settlement.

Your Tucson car accident attorney can help file your auto insurance claim and resolve any disputes that arise with the insurance carrier. Once you have obtained a suitable settlement offer from the insurance carrier, your legal team will assess your remaining damages and help prepare your civil claim against the driver at fault.

When the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, accepts a personal injury case, our goal is to settle the matter as quickly as possible for our client. However, if taking your case to litigation is necessary for ensuring maximum compensation for your losses, our firm is fully prepared to represent you in court.

Our firm has many years of experience helping clients in Tucson and surrounding communities with all manner of personal injury claims. We will get to know you and listen to your story so we can ensure you receive appropriate compensation for the losses inflicted upon you.

We have the professional legal resources to handle the challenges presented by the most complex car accident cases, from difficult insurance claims and bad faith conduct from insurance company representatives to disputed liability and intransigent defendants who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

Whatever your car accident case may entail, you can rely on our firm to provide ongoing reassurance and responsive legal counsel through every stage of your recovery.

Car Accidents Resources:

Below are a few car accident resources you may looking for:


Q: How Long Do I Have to File an Insurance Claim After a Car Accident?

A: State law requires every driver to have liability insurance that comes into play if they cause an accident with another driver. If you intend to claim against another driver’s auto insurance in Tucson, you typically only have a few days in which to notify the insurance company of your intent to file a claim.

It is unwise to discuss a settlement with an insurance carrier without an attorney representing you, however, so report your accident to the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier as soon as possible, but inform them that you must confer with your attorney before discussing a settlement.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim for a Car Accident in Tucson?

A: If you intend to file any type of personal injury claim, you must file your case within two years of the date your injury occurred. Meeting the statute of limitations is crucial for you to preserve your right to claim compensation from the driver who caused your accident. If you do not file your claim within the statute of limitations, you lose your right to claim compensation from the defendant.

Q: How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

A: You may be surprised to learn that your total claimable damages in a personal injury case amount to much more than you initially anticipated if you hire the right Tucson car accident attorney to represent you.

The attorneys at the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, will work closely with you to determine the full scope of damages you can seek from the defendant, including both economic losses and non-economic damages inflicted by their negligence or intentional misconduct.

Q: What Happens if a Car Accident Results in Death?

A: Unfortunately, some car accidents result in fatal injuries, leaving the surviving family of the victims wondering how they can ensure accountability. If you lost a loved one in a car accident caused by another party, you have the right to seek accountability with a wrongful death claim.

This takes the place of the personal injury suit the victim could have filed if they had survived. However, wrongful death claims seek compensation for the losses incurred by the victim’s family.

Q: What Happens if Multiple Drivers Are at Fault for an Accident in Tucson?

A: The state’s pure comparative negligence rule states that all parties liable for the damages cited in a civil suit will each receive fault percentages to reflect their responsibility for causing the accident.

This includes the plaintiff if they contributed to causing the accident in any way. If multiple defendants or the defendant and plaintiff share fault for a car accident, a judge will need to review the facts of the case and assign a fault percentage to each party. The fault percentage then determines what share of the total claimed damages each party is responsible for paying.

Q: Will the Driver Who Was at Fault for My Accident Go to Jail?

A: The defendant in your car accident case will only face prosecution and jail time if the accident was due to illegal misconduct. Reckless driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs would be the most common ways for a defendant to face incarceration for an accident.

Additionally, penalties for criminal offenses increase automatically when the defendant caused bodily harm to another person.

Q: How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Tucson Car Accident Attorney?

A: There is no need to worry about legal expenses when you hire the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, to represent you in a car accident case. We take personal injury clients on contingency, meaning our fee is contingent upon our ability to secure compensation for our client.

You will only pay a fee once we win your case, and the fee is a percentage of the total case award we secure on your behalf. If we are unable to secure compensation for your damages for any reason, you do not pay anything.

Bleaman Law Firm, PC, offers compassionate and responsive legal counsel to victims of car accidents in the Tucson area and surrounding communities. We know how challenging it can be to face the aftermath of a car accident that someone else caused and the many legal challenges you could face as you seek compensation for your losses.

Our goal in every case we accept is to help our client maximize their recovery however possible. If you are ready to learn more about the legal services we offer and how we can help you recover from your recent car accident, contact us today and schedule a free consultation with a Tucson car accident attorney.

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