Oro Valley Dog Bite Lawyer

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Oro Valley Dog Bite Lawyer Attorney

Best Oro Valley Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs are popular pets across the United States, and most people in the Oro Valley area are fortunate to have positive interactions with dogs regularly. However, it is also possible for a dog to attack and bite unexpectedly, sometimes causing tremendous harm. If you or a family member was recently injured by another party’s dog, an Oro Valley dog bite lawyer can help you assert liability for your damages and recover compensation from the dog’s owner.

Legal Counsel for Dog Bite Claims in Oro Valley, AZ

The team at the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, offers compassionate and responsive legal counsel for a wide range of personal injury cases in Oro Valley and surrounding communities. We know how damaging and traumatic any dog attack can be and the severe financial toll such an incident can take on the victim and their family. If you need legal representation for your claim, you can rely on our team to assist you with every stage of your recovery.

Our firm can carefully review the details of how, where, and why an attack occurred. We’ll help determine the full extent of damages you can recover from the dog owner and ensure you receive as much compensation as state law allows. You have a relatively limited time in which to pursue your recovery, so it is vital that you connect with an Oro Valley dog bite lawyer as quickly as possible after such an incident.

Proving Fault for a Dog Bite in Oro Valley

In any personal injury case, the injured plaintiff must prove how the defendant caused the damages in their claim. In dog bite cases, it is a generally straightforward issue, thanks to the state’s strict liability rule. Under this rule, a dog owner is strictly liable for any harm their pet causes to another party, regardless of whether the dog has any known history of aggression and/or previous attacks.

To assert strict liability in a dog bite claim, the plaintiff must prove that they did not provoke the attack. If they assaulted the owner or abused the dog and the dog bit them in retaliation, strict liability would not apply. Similarly, the plaintiff must also prove they were legally present at the location of the attack. This means that they were not intruding or trespassing on private property or that the attack occurred on public property.

Recovering Compensation for Dog Bites in Oro Valley

Once the plaintiff in a dog bite case has asserted strict liability for their damages, the next phase of their case is proving the full scope of those damages. Arizona personal injury law allows the plaintiff to claim complete repayment of all their economic losses, such as:

  • Medical treatment costs. The defendant is liable for all the medical care the victim needs to fully recover from their injuries. Dog attacks may not only result in traumatic injuries from biting but also secondary injuries such as head trauma and broken bones if the victim is knocked to the ground. The defendant is liable for any ongoing rehabilitative treatment the victim requires to reach maximum medical improvement.
  • Lost wages. If you are unable to work in the aftermath of a dog attack in Oro Valley, the defendant is liable for the income you are unable to earn during your recovery. This also applies to lost future earning capacity if the attack resulted in any type of permanent disability that has diminished the plaintiff’s capacity to work and earn income.
  • Property damage. If the dog attack resulted in damage to any of the plaintiff’s personal property, they can claim repair and replacement costs in their personal injury suit.

Once you have an experienced Oro Valley dog bite lawyer to help calculate all your claimable immediate and future economic losses, you may discover that you can claim much more than you initially expected. However, your recovery can also include your non-economic damages, specifically pain and suffering.

A dog attack may not only result in very painful physical injuries, but it is also likely to be a psychologically traumatic experience for the victim. Under state law, the plaintiff in a dog bite claim has the right to seek as much pain and suffering compensation as they believe to be appropriate to reflect the severity of the physical pain and psychological distress they experienced because of the attack.

There is no limit on pain and suffering compensation in most personal injury claims filed, nor does the state require the plaintiff to use a specific formula to calculate pain and suffering in their case. Generally, an attorney can multiply their client’s total economic damages by a factor between one and five to determine suitable pain and suffering compensation. If you suffered catastrophic injuries, you could secure a sizeable amount of pain and suffering compensation.

Find Your Legal Team in the Oro Valley Today

The Bleaman Law Firm, PC, is ready to provide compassionate and responsive legal representation for your impending dog bite claim in Oro Valley. If you are worried about the potential cost of hiring our firm, we take these cases on contingency. We will only collect a fee if we win your case, and our fee will be a percentage of the total amount recovered. There is no risk of your legal fees amounting to more than you gain in compensation for your damages.

The majority of personal injury cases filed are resolved privately through settlement negotiations. This allows the parties involved to save time, money, and effort they would otherwise expend in litigation. However, not every personal injury case may be resolved in this manner. You can rely on our firm to guide you through settlement swiftly if possible, but we are prepared to represent you in litigation when necessary to ensure a fair result in your case.

Contact us today and set up your free consultation with an Oro Valley dog bite lawyer to learn more about the various legal services we can provide for you in the aftermath of a dog attack.

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